Blog - Zimkaffee At African Fashion Night - Sep 24th
Sep 27, 2022 (Updated on Aug 19, 2023)
Where do we start with the African Fashion Night (AFN) Event.
We only chose to do one day Sept 24th and not both days as we felt that would be way too stressful and we needed the recovery time.
So on Sept 24th
Only got to the venue at 0837 (which was exactly 37 mins later than expected) as overslept and only woke up at 0756 instead of when the alarm when off which was 0730.... This was likely because of the lack of sleep, preparing and worrying about the event 2 weeks prior to the date.
Add that because I was a bit late, the organizers had already got croissants from the local supermarket (making my purchase of 50 almost useless instantly)
Fully Setup and ready to sell coffee, drive out to go find blue zone parking... didn't know at the time its nearly impossible blue zone parking around Kunsthaus. So after almost 45 mins looking, I give up and I get a 2 hr parking ticket in the area around the venue.
I send my girlfriend (my helper for the day) a message saying parking is a pain after she sends me a message saying that she is leaving the house to come help me.
I send my helper a message saying more crema please (clearly full on stressed already by then), as I had under estimated how many people love their Cafe Crema.
....More to be added (including friends shout out, the coffee machine needing a 1 hr clean (twice!), and learning to make a coffee